Oct 31 - Modernity in an ancient city

Today I did the touristy stuff of Barcelona, mainly the moderest/avant garde movement. I hit up the Piccaso gallery. After a hanging in a line full of brits for about an hour I finnally wandered around. The gallery is chronological, but it seems to miss the period between 1920-1950, I was a little mad. (I really wanted to see guernica) After a quick lunch and a few more galleries, I hit up some building by the eccentric architect Guadi.
I first went to the Sagrada Familia, essentually a church that will take 200 years to create. It's so intensely complex and avant garde I spent an hour staring at the thing. Guadi mixes organic and religious styles to make something that I think Dr. Suess would approve of.

After the Sagrada Familia, I walked to Casa Mili La Pedera, a house that Gaudi did. Then continued down the street to Casa Batilo and other buildings. Once again with Gaudis trademark "Dr Suessness"
I continued onto the shopping district (which is intensely high fashion oriented) then back to home.

I met a GIS consultant and went for lunch in the ritzy La Ramba Street, then had a cheap but pretty luxurious pellea. (local seafood dish)
After a few beer on that street I went home.
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