Over the last two days I really got to know Madrid downtown intimately. Madrid isn't a particularly old city, but what it lacks in history, it makes up in shops, and music. And of course art gallerys, there are many major galleries, the final one that I visited being the Thyssen museum. (
It houses the period around the turn of the century; meaning the majority of works are in the impressionalist movement around
France. The impressionalists movement grew out of the perfection of shape, and more into the perfection of colour, then into emotion based on that colour. Coming from the exhibit just before closing,

I was a little inspired. I started taking pictures of people trying to blur the masses movements. The strange thing about Madrid is that on a Sunday night, even though all the stores are closed, there are still tons of people, wandering, no particular place, some going to restaurants, others watching street performers (like the one I photographed and yea a chamber orchestra, in the middle of the street). Because there were so many people moving, they seemed less like people and more like a river, churning and flowing, or static, doldrums among the flow. Yesterday night I went to a flamenco show, for only 7 euros!!! The show itself was pretty amazing.
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