Today I went to the cathedral of Valencia, where according to the catholic church, and carbon 14 dating, the holy grail is housed. The Cathedral itself is a brilliant collection of architecture from 200 0 years ago up to now, so you have roman, Gothic, neo-Gothic, renaissance and baroque all in one building. It's also a functional church that holds trials and other government activities. It also served as an armory during Spain's civil war, and a Islamic mosque for a bit. Then I bought a Euro bottle of wine.
hey its your sis and all I have to say to that is NEE !!! (monty python...) lol
Can I get some shrubbery?
Ha wow. The HOLY GRAIL
well anyway a bottle of wine for only on euro thats pritty cool. are you coming back to SOSA's new years party. you should Cheers
Spencer Hunt
watch out for the killer rabbit(monty python)lol
keith you hoser, take off.
to the great white white north,
take off;
it's a beuty way to go.
FMI (for MY information): does the effect of the ceilig fan reach spain, and if so, will it give the second shrubbery a trim, therefore the two level effect?
Will check later for answers
According to the Universe Imploding theory of the Fan effect, (et al Hartley & Pankrats, 1998, MECC)Spain is in the universe, last I checked, so as far as I know the effect will reach spain.
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