Nov 27 Last real day in Spain

So I had a classic random day, I woke up had something to eat, then got invited to play soccer with the Irish guys I met the previous night, vs the Italians guys. We got rocked. I returned home ate some more, then I received a portrait of me hanging out with a bunch of girls from Milan. I really like it, because it captures me in the goofiness of my element, a bottle of wine hopelessly flirting with a group of girls who barely speak English. I then wandered around town following a crazy man who scared people by yelling "BLU" at them, and had a drink called Agua de Valencia. Champagne, gin, vodka water and oranges (cause oranges grow everywhere here). Really quite a refreshing drink. I ate and then DJ'ed the bar, again. Oh, and I walked past the bull fighting ring, and there was a medieval market. Another day in Spain!
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