oh the flatness
wow, some of you actually read this! RSS feeds and all?
Right, I wanted to add some photos to some of my rants, and continue the Manitoba, and at this point prairie rant.
I Also want to do a photo a day... or try also adding them to my flickr page
These rants may or may not make sense... your call
End of Manitoba, end of august 2007

North of dauphin Manitoba I encountered a lot of old Ukrainian churches and snakes (there may be a pattern there) The interesting thing is, as the grain elevators are being torn down due to high upkeep costs and upwards mobility, the only thing left are these huge churches... many of them in dieing towns. Glistening icons of geography and demographics.
Funny enough, the tops look a lot like garlic.... coincidence i think not.....
When hitting Sask a noticed a lot more abandoned buildings:

One of which actually was an art installation:

This installation was an old abandoned farm house that the artist (Heather Benning) took the back off and decorated in 60's style, then plexy glassed. (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/2007/06/11/benning-dollhouse.html)

The more small towns I wandered around the more I realized anyone my within my age demographic had moved. It's getting alarming actually.

Sept 10
Surprisingly they have topography around here...
Sept 11
I like roads like this, curvy and such...

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