Home> from Auga de Valencia, to Eggnog

Well I suppose I should update, being that I'm at home right now. So I left early Tuesday morning on a bus bound for the airport. The Valencia airport is kinda like Winnipeg airport in simplicity, but lacking a solid roof, the pipes are showing. I flew to Stansted, had a flawless transition (right change on that... "21 quid for a lorry to heathrow?!?, bloody hell!" do you blokes take euros? ) to Heathrow and ripped home. I really should have stayed a day in London, but pooch that, next time. I of course had a few free drinks on the plane, then came into Toronto. Then the fun started to happen! It was foggy comming in and a hard landing, so hard that the luggage bin over my head opened and droped a bottle of wine rignt next to my leg... bravo air can! After 20 some hours without sleep I crawled onto the Winnipeg air can jet. Just before runup on the ramp, the captain comes on the intercom: "uh sorry, if you notice us moveing backwards you're right, we have a software problem and have to return to the gate, to restart the plane. Think of it as restarting your computer. This should only take 15-20 min (45 minutes actually), then we will be on your way" It was a painful wait, but I got another free drink out of the deal. Over the course of my travels I went from summerish weather and palm trees while drinking Auga de Valencia to wine in London, with leaves falling off trees, to Toronto and more wine, with no leaves, then finally Winnipeg, snow and amaretto and egg nog! So now what, where next? Job? living under a bridge? time will tell
Was it your bottle that fell? Was it okay?!
of course the brit wondering more of the bottle than the one under it. The bottle's fine, scared the stewardess though.
so glad you are home. what a adventure you had!!!!!!!! hope to see you over the holidays.
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