After a late breakfast, I zipped over to the Guadi gardens. What a site, it’s like the church, but bigger and wider spread Dr, Seusness. I’m a bit angry my camera batteries crapped out and I couldn’t find any cheap ones anywhere close by! So I don’t have any shots of the park. I had to run quickly across the park to get to book a train going to Puerto de Sagunt. I then got delayed and had to wait 4 hours in a train station. Waiting is one thing, but waiting in the intensity of a
Barcelona station is something else. Announcements to which train was coming happened every 30 seconds. I don’t know a lot of Spanish, but my subconscious I’m sure was battered by the constant announcements. Ironically after this rant about leaving, I missed my train.

So I had to change my ticket (which was quite hard cause the guard at the ticket office wouldn’t let me in to change it, pointing to the place where my train left 10 minutes ago) after some good old hand gesturing and broken Spanish explaining that my train left without me on it, he let me in. The attendant inside laughed because he spoke 4 languages, including English. I had to wait two more hours, so I found a cheap gourmet pizza place to escape the bus station and have a few beers. On the bus I had even more beer while talking to a British painter about almost everything under the sun. Then finally met my friends in Puerto for more drinks till
5:00 am and to with Jen a happy b-day.