I found out that my hard drive space on my laptop is proportionally linked my bank account amount. Whenever I take a lot of good pictures or good music, I seem to fill up my laptop, and eerily make a lot of withdrawals. (perhaps I should buy some blank DVD's.... then I'll get a random job offer) So with that said, what have I been up to for the last little bit? Mainly hanging out in Madrid with various Europeans. In review I didn't mind madrid, you really have to get to know the scene for the city to make any sense. Historically it isn't Barcelona or Valencia, and it doesn't have the beach front. Come to think of it, Madrid is a collection of many stores and restaurants, with the royal palace and some primo art galleries oh and giant squares with people wandering aimlessly. Right now I'm starting to sound a little bitter.... I didn't make my other plan of going to Granada. Perhaps thats it.
Right, continuing on, in a non ranting style, more observational. In in my meeting with people from various non-English speaking euro countries I noticed many of them were not only bi lingual, but multi lingual. In the E.U. (euro union) if you are a member of an EU country, you can work anywhere in the EU! I think that this, with a changing market that's not necessarily connected to location (for example computer design, or service industries) and cheap transportation (I'm going from Valencia to London for 20 dollars) will make for a completely different Europe in 20 years. Already the economic ramifications have been felt, but I'm sure with it, cultural and linguistic changes. I met a server in a little place in Madrid, who knew English, I made note of this and asked him if he was taking lessons. He replayed that because of the people who eat there he knows English, Germain, French and a little Italian. He's only 19...welcome to globalization people!