Tuesday, November 07, 2006

November 6

Today I ripped back into a hostel in Valencia, bought some food then drank with of course two aussies, and a canuck. Honestly I think that both countries really have about 50 million people, only 20 million or so stay at home. Every where I go there's always Aussies. When I come back home, I'm not going to have a strange euro accent, I'll probably talk like an kiwi or something.

Nov 5

I really didn't do all that much today alot of sleeping and eating .... yea boring blog post. Hmm lets makes a random comment.. I arranged a trip with jen, and wandered the beach, It's gettng a little cooler here like only 15 degrees! Oh and I am really starting to hate scooters, not just the regular scooters but the 50cc ones with a large exhaust to give the scooter that extra two horse power and an added 100 decibels. After staying up till 5:00am... those things should get struck down by the hand of god or something.